Tennessee DA Cleared of Wrongdoing After Condemning Islam and Homosexuality as Against God


After two years of investigations, Coffee County District Attorney General Craig Northcott was cleared of wrongdoing for arguing that Islam and homosexuality are against God. Following complaints against Northcott’s outspoken religious beliefs, the Tennessee Board of Professional Responsibility (TBPR) Disciplinary Counsel reportedly attempted to publicly censure Northcott. The TBPR claimed that Northcott violated the rules of ethics, which Northcott denied. TBPR never claimed that Northcott mishandled a specific case purposefully based on an individual’s theological beliefs or sexual orientation. Due to a lack of evidence indicating any professional misconduct, TBPR dropped the case.

As The Tennessee Star reported when the investigation first opened in 2019, TBPR was prompted to look into Northcott following multiple complaints over his social media posts concerning Islam. Northcott had responded to other comments referencing Muslims on a Facebook post asking whether it was acceptable to stereotype an entire group with mixed beliefs versus letting individuals be judged based on their own actions. In the comments, the original poster defended that not all Muslims were evil. Northcott opined that they were due to the inherent evil of Islamic teachings and texts.

Their belief system is evil, violent, and against God’s Truth. If they follow the teaching of their ‘god’ and lead the life exemplified by their ‘prophet’, they must kill anyone who doesn’t accept their lie. They are taught to commit many atrocities in the name of their ‘god’ including pedophilia, beating of their wives, female genital mutilation, and ‘honor’ killings. They are not evil because of their gender, skin color or country of origin. Instead, they are evil because they profess a commitment to an evil belief system. They are no less evil because they don’t act on their belief system if they refuse to disavow that system. Romans 1:32 comes to mind in which we are taught that you are just as guilty before God if you give approval to those who engage in evil acts. It is no different than being part of the KKK, Aryan Nation, etc. If you support those viewpoints, you are rightly and readily condemned in our society. However, it is now politically incorrect to take a stand against Islam that has the same core of hate. I do not hate the individual but I will not be cowered into pretending their belief system is legitimate or one of peace. We are fools if we don’t recognize this and protect ourselves, our families, our communities and our country from succumbing to this present and growing threat. Take a look at what is happening in Europe and see if you want that for America.

Complaints also concerned Northcott’s perspective on homosexuality, as reflected in a 2018 speech at a pastor’s conference. Northcott questioned the implications of the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision in 2015 legalizing gay marriage. He said that because marriage is between one man and one woman, assault cases involving a gay couple couldn’t be classified as domestic assault.

“So the social engineers on the Supreme Court decided that we now have homosexual marriage,” stated Northcott. “I disagree with them. What do I do with domestic assaults? On one hand I don’t prosecute them because I don’t recognize it as marriage. On the other hand, if I don’t prosecute them then the sinner – the immoral guy – gets less punishment. What do you do? Well the reason where I came down in my evaluation was the reason that there’s extra punishment on domestic violence is to recognize and protect the sanctity of marriage. And I said there’s no marriage to protect. So I don’t prosecute them as domestics.”

Last week, Northcott issued a public statement on the closure of the case against him.

“God is good and provides all that you need at the time He knows you need it,” wrote Northcott. “I promised many people to update them on the legal and spiritual battle that I have been fighting for the last two years against those who attempted to have me removed from office and stripped of my license to practice law. The disciplinary complaint was dismissed after the hearing panel found that there was no factual or legal support to their claims.”

Northcott’s attached letter explained that he was attacked for adhering to Biblical truth. Yet, Northcott says he saw it coming, referencing God’s promises. He credited God for securing this legal and ethical victory.

“Over the last [two] years, I have been attacked personally for and pressured to disavow my closely held Christian beliefs under the threat of losing my law license. I knew what was at risk but also understood that my first duty is always to God,” wrote Northcott. “Thus, relying on His promises and knowing that Scripture tells us that we will be attacked for standing for His Truth, I was determined to not abandon my faith because a vocal and militant minority was upset because I express and endeavor to live by God’s mandates. God saw me through the battle and provided the resources needed to continue to resist these efforts. Accordingly, the glory is His.”

In closing, Northcott exhorted fellow Christians to stand firm in their faith and cited scripture.

“I encourage all my Christian brethren to stand firm against these attacks. (See 1 Corinthians 1:13-14),” wrote Northcott. “We must equip ourselves with the intake and consistent application of true Bible doctrine so that the schemes of the world will not overcome us. (See Ephesians 6:11-12). Be courageous and bold in the face of the growing assault against us in this Country. (See James 1:12). God is good and faithful.”


Last year, Northcott refused to prosecute anyone who disobeyed Governor Bill Lee’s COVID-19 executive orders, such as restrictions on business capacity. Northcott questioned the constitutionality of Lee’s authority.

Northcott didn’t respond to request for comment from The Star by press time.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].






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7 Thoughts to “Tennessee DA Cleared of Wrongdoing After Condemning Islam and Homosexuality as Against God”

  1. Jay

    Gladly truth prevails this time. Be vigilant and never give up

  2. Chris

    To clarify what happened, the BPR didn’t drop the case.

    It litigated it and DA Northcutt prevailed in this litigation.

    His Motion for Summary Judgment was granted by the Hearing Panel.

    He won and the BPR lost.

  3. Ronb39339

    of course the demonrats were against his truth, courage, and honesty.
    Keep that guy in office.

  4. Don

    Keep it up! Many of us feel the same way. Keep standing firm.

  5. MuneShadowe

    Freedom of speach, ever hear of it?

    1. Tim Price

      Well said!

  6. MuneShadowe

    Freedom of speach? Ever hear of it? It goes both ways unless you are a stalinist. or a hitler.
